
MATRIX, UAB (UAB stands for Private Limited Liability Company) flag-ltu.gif  flag-poland.gif
Vytenio street 10, LT-03112 Vilnius, Lithuania - the main office and service, data recovery lab  
Share stock capital is 100000 LTL (about 28950 EUR)


Phone:. +370(5)2134574, 2159105, 2159106, Fax: +370(5)2333549
Gsm tel. +370-614-61020, +370-698-10160, +370-606-03979 (sales department);
Tel. +370-5-2136170, +370-606-09864  (projects, networks, IT infrastructure department);
Gsm. +370-677-78814 (logistics/shipment, warranty service);
Gsm. +370-
683-01311+370-698-39001 (for data recovery, 24x7)
Gsm: +370-683-01311 (notebook/laptop/fax/printer/lcd-crt monitor/projectors service);
Tel. +370-5-2159108 (warehouse);
Tel. +370-5-2320759 (accounting department);
Tel. +370(698)39001,
370-5-2320759 (management, product purchases, new suppliers)
Skype for general questions: mazakaina.lt

 - CREDITINFO LIETUVA in 2014 year afforded MATRIX UAB certificate

Retail shop
Vytenio 10, LT-03112 Vilnius (near HyperRimi shopping center), Tel. +370(5)2134574, 2159105, 2159106, cell: +370-614-61020, 698-10160, 606-09864

Branch in USA address (for forwarding packages, drives for data recovery, spare parts):
shared fax Number is: 00-1-(281) 754-4941
5715 Will Clayton # 3409
Humble, TX 77338, USA

Registered in Vilnius city, Lithuania local administration, register No. AB2000-491
Registration date: 2000 year, May 25
VAT payers code: LT253309113, Company code/Tax ID: 125330918
IBAN Account No. LT807300010000560246, bank AB Swedbankas, bank SWIFT code: HABALT22 ,
http://www.swedbank.com (one of the best banks in three Baltic countries)
Account in cheap payments system www.mokejimai.lt or  www.paysera.com : MATRIX account no.  EVP0710001190175 .

Data recovery, whole day&night, please call in emergency cases - tel. +370-698-39001 (round the clock 24/7)
we speak in English, Russian, Lithuanian, Polish languages
Email  for datarecovery questions: service@matrix.lt .
Skype for data recovery: mazakaina.lt

The place in a map (how to find), marked at the center by red ball:

Office and shop work hours: I-V(monday-friday) 9-19 hours; VI(saturday) 10-15 hours, VII - not working. For hdd data rescue and recovery call round the clock 27/4 hours.

Remark: Payment options:
If you order goods through our internet shop (www.deze.lt), you can pay to our account in
1. Swedbankas AB bank (for example through http://www.swedbank.lt ) or through
2. Vilniaus Bankas AB bank https://ebankas.seb.lt ), or using
3. using PAYPAL - www.paypal.com system, our paypal account is supply@matrix.lt . Please add 3.5% to amount if you pay through Paypal, because this system reserves 3.5% for their services.
4. Directly to our account by bank wire transfer: our IBAN account No. LT807300010000560246, AB Swedbank, SWIFT code: HABALT22, bank code: 73000, VAT payers code: LT253309113, Company code: 125330918.
Cheap payments system www.mokejimai.lt or www.paysera.com , our account in EVP International UAB -  MATRIX No.  EVP0710001190175 .

We will deliver ordered goods to your location (in Europe, and worldwide). In transfer bill please indicate your address and contact information. Delivery cost within Lithuania is 19LTL incl. VAT(21%), delivery in Europe approx. 20eur+VAT, delivery to U.S.A approx. 20usd+VAT, other locations worldwide - please send request to orders@matrix.lt.

Our e-mail addresses:

info@matrix.lt - general, various questions, opinions, companies representation materials, introduction;
sales@matrix.lt - sales (if you want to buy), products ordering, delivery, shipping questions;
orders@matrix.lt - orders e-mail, for clients which know what they want, for regular clients,
products ordering, delivery, shipping questions;
supply@matrix.lt, sell@matrix.lt - suppliers e-mail, please send pricelists, new suppliers, supply and trade offers, marketing info, 
commercial offers;
cv@matrix.lt - send your CV, if you are looking for a job in our company (Curriculum Vitae);
finance@matrix.lt - finance, payments questions, accounts department;
print@matrix.lt - design and layout services, didital printing, copying send files for printing to this e-mail;

Our websites and projects:
www.deze.lt - online webshop (prices in EUR and LTL incl. 21% VAT)
www.opensoft.lt - software e-shop project
http://www.mazakaina.lt - new version of our eshop, retail products, info@mazakaina.lt for sales questions ;
http://www.hifihiend.eu -  sales of hifi hi end products; 

http://www.domenas.lt - free of charge website hosting, totally free email, data storage services, domain registration, collaboration suites ;
http://www.duomenys.com - information regarding data recovery and hard disk repairing,
data recovery from damaged media (hdd,flash cards)
www.infobox.lt - data storage and warehousing domain. 
http://www.remont.lt - repair and service of computers, notebooks, laptops, projektors, printers;
www.baltas.net - physical internet providing services, currently sold to www.vdnet.lt (Viginta UAB).

Our friends:
http://www.artaviva.lt - creative advertising agency in Lithuania (company logos, creative media, paintings) ;
http://www.idejarenginiui.lt - good ideas for events organisation in Lithuania ;
http://www.nuotrauka.lt  - wedding photo services ;
http://www.myservice.lt - service, repair of warranty and not warranty computers, laptops, printers, copiers, projectors,
odzyskiwanie danych, IT infrastructure projects .

Copyright Matrix UAB 2000-2016